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The Professional Receptionist courses in



  • The Professional Receptionist

Course Date  City Course Times    Cost  
02 Dec - 03 Dec Bloemfontein 0830 - 1600    R3500 Book



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The Professional Receptionist in Bloemfontein

Course Description

The Professional Receptionist / PA course will teach students on the following: - Adhere to business protocol and ethics - Portray a polite and friendly image - Portray yourself with more confidence and body language - Distinguish between Personal vs. Professional Life regarding Professional Image - Have a proper hairstyle, make-up and accessories - Distinguish between different dress codes as per occasion - Communicate at a comfortable level and interact with different cultures - Communication with comfort regarding cultural diversity and respect - Improve your listening skills in order to improve your communication skill - Be a better conversationalist - Answer the telephone professionally and politely, adapting your voice to communicate clearly - Learning how to politely put someone on hold as well as transferring calls correctly and efficiently -Taking thorough messages - Dealing with difficult callers - Using effective listening techniques - Improved confidence


Target Audience

PRO's, Personal Assistants, Secretaries, Receptionists

The Professional Receptionist in Bloemfontein

Day 1: Telephone skills & Etiquette

1. Introduction to Telephone Communication

  • The importance of answering all calls in a professional manner
  • The impact it has on the company's image
  • Understanding the different communication styles
  • Elements ofspeech such as pronunciation, emphasis, pitch of voice, pause etc


2. Customer Focus

  • Portraying a polite and friendly image
  • Needs and benefits of customer service
  • Cultivating a service attitude
  • Assisting customers with requests
  • Handling difficult callers


3. Communicating on the telephone

  • Build customer loyalty
  • Techniques to communicate successfully with the caller
  • Telephone time management in order to increase productivity


4. Technology

  • Technology regarding telecommunication such as teleconferencing amongst others
  • Telephone Aids
  • All the tools necessary to ensure that the above principles are applied correctly


5. Telephone Aids

  • Hands-free
  • Recording
  • Bridges / Conferencing
  • Other


6. Telephone Etiquette

  • Good telephone manners
  • Putting a client on hold and transferring calls correctly
  • Do's and taboos


7. Dealing with Difficult Callers

  • Role-play
  • How to handle difficult callers successfully
  • Common errors
  • Delivering and receiving constructive feedback


8. Incoming and Outgoing Telephone Calls

  • Effective questioning techniques
  • Establish what the caller really needs
  • Listening skills and building rapport
  • Creating a positive impression of your company


9. Taking Messages

  • Accurate and effective message-taking
  • Taking ownership of messages and following up


10. Practical Skills Application

  • Action plan on how to implement and apply learned skills


Day 2: Business Etiquette & Protocol

1. Introduction to Business Etiquette & Protocol

  • Definition
  • Protocol guidelines
  • Protocol in the business sector


2. Business Introductions

  • Name tags
  • Titles and Seniority


3. Ethics: Do's & Taboos

  • Punctuality
  • Holy and National Days
  • Business Cards
  • Level of Communication
  • Personal circumstances


4. Protocol in the Business Sector

  • Questionnaire (to be completed)
  • General Guidelines
  • Company Protocol
  • Impeccable Behaviour
  • Being an Ambassador
  • Respect
  • Confidence and Body Language
  • Be informed


5. Forms of Address

  • Rules on the Forms of Address


6. Professional Image: Personal vs Professional Life

  • Time Concept
  • Attitude and Emotions
  • Dress Code
  • Relationships


7. Guidelines for Business Dress Codes

  • Classic Styles and Colours
  • Hairstyle, Make-up and Accessories
  • Different Dress Codes as per occasion


8. Meeting Protocol

  • Purpose
  • Punctuality
  • Communication
  • Documentation
  • Facilities
  • Safety


9. Cultural Contexting and Interactions

  • Difference between High Context and Low Context
  • Cultural Commonalities
  • Gender Roles
  • Non-verbal Communication
  • Visual Aids
  • Interpreters


10. Cultural Guidelines - Gifts

  • Exchanging of Gifts
  • Gift Policy Guidelines
  • Presentation of Gifts


11. Conversation

  • Attitude
  • Picking a Topic
  • Sensitive Topics
  • Cultural Diversity and Respect
  • Ethnic Jokes
  • Questions
  • Listening Skills
  • 7 Ways to be a Good Conversationalist
  • Do's and Taboos

Course Date  City Course Times    Cost  
02 Dec - 03 Dec Bloemfontein 0830 - 1600    R3500 Book

Course schedule subject to change without notice