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Become an
Entrepreneur course




  • Become an Entrepreneur

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Become an Entrepreneur level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Become an Entrepreneur level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Become an Entrepreneur

Course Description

Start Your Own Business, Become an Entrepreneur has been designed to assist all those enterprising, up-and-coming,would-be entrepreneurs who are seriously considering setting up their own business. On completion of this course, you will be an individual who: Has the ability to identify and pursue a business opportunity,undertakes a business venture, raises the capital to finance it,gathers the necessary physical,financial and human resources needed to operate the business venture, sets goals for him/herself and others, initiates appropriate action to ensure success,and assumes all or a major portion of the risk!


Target Audience

Up-and-coming business owners and entrepreneurs - New and would-be business owners and entrepreneurs - Any individual who is seriously considering setting up their own business

Become an Entrepreneur

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Phase 1: Identifying the personal strengths

  • Who is an entrepreneur?
  • The major personal strengths
  • A positive attitude is essential
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Successful entrepreneurs are successful leaders
  • Task-oriented and person-oriented leadership
  • The effective decision-maker
  • A results-oriented problem-solver
  • Addressing the 'am i good enough?' syndrome
  • Other personal strengths


Phase 2: Turning your idea into a successful business idea!

  • The steps to be taken by the entrepreneur
  • Engaging business consultants
  • Using services offered by Government Agencies/Departments


Phase 3: Writing a business plan for your successful idea

  • Strategic management and developing a business plan
  • The search for a competitive advantage
  • Writing the business plan
  • The entrepreneur's business plan
  • The marketing plan
  • The operations plan
  • The financial plan

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Become an Entrepreneur level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Become an Entrepreneur level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Become an Entrepreneur level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Become an Entrepreneur level 3 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you