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Linux courses




  • Linux Level 1 course

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Linux level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Linux level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Linux Level 1 course

Course Description

Linux is a free, open source operating system, that is rather similar to UNIX. Linux is widely used as a server, especially for web sites. Linux systems are wonderfully easy to deploy, are rock solid and easy to update. You will learn the essential concepts of the Linux operating system. On completion learners will be able to work at the Linux command prompt and be familiar with the most important command line tools. Concepts taught on this course are pre-requisites for the System Administration, Networking and Security courses.


Target Audience

Computer users with basic IT user knowledge including use of a graphical interface. Ambitious users as well as system administrators.



Computer Literacy and basic operating system concepts. If In doubt first complete the Linux Point&Click Admin course.

Linux Level 1 course

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Course Outline




Using the Linux System


Getting Help


VI editor


Important Commands


Standard I/O and Filter Commands


Users and Privileges


Files and the File System


Process Management


Installing Linux

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Linux level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Linux level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Linux level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Linux level 3 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you