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Adobe Dreamweaver courses
in Fourways



  • Dreamweaver Beginner Course 
  • Dreamweaver Advanced Course

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Dreamweaver level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you.



We offer these courses in Fourways.

Access training courses in Fourways
Acrobat training courses in Fourways
After Effects training courses in Fourways
Captivate training courses in Fourways
Dreamweaver training courses in Fourways
Excel training courses in Fourways
Final Cut Pro training courses in Fourways
Flash training courses in Fourways
Illustrator training courses in Fourways
InDesign training courses in Fourways
Motion training courses in Fourways
Outlook training courses in Fourways
Photoshop training courses in Fourways
PowerPoint training courses in Fourways
Premiere training courses in Fourways
Project training courses in Fourways
QuarkXpress training courses in Fourways
SQL Server training courses in Fourways
Word training courses in Fourways

Dreamweaver CS5, CS6, CC beginner course in Fourways

Course Description:

Dreamweaver Fundamentals provides web designers with the knowledge and hands-on practice they need to build and manage professional websites using Dreamweaver.


Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Format using cascading style sheets
  • Use graphics on web pages
  • Use libraries and templates
  • Test, maintain, and upload your site


Target Audience:

This course is for people new to web design and development and want to use Dreamweaver to build intuitive, attractive and accessible websites.

Dreamweaver beginner course in Fourways
Course Outline:

1. Getting Started

  • Topic A: Internet Basics
  • Topic B: Project management basics
  • Topic C: The Dreamweaver interface
  • Topic D: Basic editing


2. Web Sites and Pages

  • Topic A: Planning tools and design principles
  • Topic B: Defining and building a site
  • Topic C: Working with code


3. Structure and Style

  • Topic A: Structure
  • Topic B: Cascading Style Sheets


4. Tables

  • Topic A: Creating Tables
  • Topic B: Table Structures and Formatting


5. Links

  • Topic A: Creating Links
  • Topic B: Applying link styles


6. Image Formats and Attributes

  • Topic A: Working with Images


7. Publishing

  • Topic A: Site Checks


Our outlines are a guide to the content covered on a typical course. We may change or alter the course topics to meet the objectives of a particular course.

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Dreamweaver level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you.

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Dreamweaver level 2 course in Fourways. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you



We offer these courses in Fourways.

Access training courses in Fourways
Acrobat training courses in Fourways
After Effects training courses in Fourways
Captivate training courses in Fourways
Dreamweaver training courses in Fourways
Excel training courses in Fourways
Final Cut Pro training courses in Fourways
Flash training courses in Fourways
Illustrator training courses in Fourways
InDesign training courses in Fourways
Motion training courses in Fourways
Outlook training courses in Fourways
Photoshop training courses in Fourways
PowerPoint training courses in Fourways
Premiere training courses in Fourways
Project training courses in Fourways
QuarkXpress training courses in Fourways
SQL Server training courses in Fourways
Word training courses in Fourways

Dreamweaver CS5, CS6, CC advanced course

Course Description:

Adobe Dreamweaver Advanced will help you to design and develop an impressive web site using Dreamweaver. This training walks through advanced concepts in Dreamweaver including creating pure CSS layouts, working with reusable assets such as Snippets, Library Items and Templates. In addition, you will get the chance to work with Adobe's Spry Framework to create AJAX-enabled web pages. This series is just what you need to take your Dreamweaver skills one step further and give your site a professional polish.



Dreamweaver for Beginners course or equivalent knowledge.

Dreamweaver advanced course

Course Outline:

1. Designing with CSS

  • Topic A: Overview of styles sheets
  • Topic B: Page layout and global styles


2. Site assets

  • Topic A: Library assets, snippets, and includes
  • Topic B: Templates
  • Topic C: Head elements
  • Topic D: Images and multimedia


3. Forms

  • Topic A: Creating interactive forms


4. Rollovers, behaviours, and AP Divs

  • Topic A: Applying rollovers and behaviours
  • Topic B: Creating and modifying AP Divs


5. Working with XML

  • Topic A: Applying XML and XSLT


6. Collaboration and accessibility

  • Topic A: Collaboration
  • Topic B: Accessibility, usability, and site testing


Our outlines are a guide to the content covered on a typical course. We may change or alter the course topics to meet the objectives of a particular course.

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Dreamweaver level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you.