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  • RoboHelp 9 Beginner Course 

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the RoboHelp level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the RoboHelp level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

RoboHelp 9 beginner course

Course Description:

RoboHelp is the industry standard for Help authoring. It's the preferred program if you are a Help author, technical writer, or programmer tasked with creating Help systems for desktop or Web-based applications.

Learning Objectives:

After the course you will be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Create an HTML Help Project
  • Create an WinHelp Project
  • Create an FlashHelp Project
  • Add graphics and DHTML to enhance the help files
  • Import content from Word and FrameMaker
  • Add an index and glossary
  • Use variables and snippets
  • Customize the user interface with a Skin

Target Audience:

Professionals seeking to create or enhance Help Systems using RoboHelp. Users will benefit from the many tips and tricks, as well as special exercises. Participants are encouraged to bring problems, questions and samples from their working environment to the course for group discussion.

RoboHelp 9 level 1 beginner course

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Course Outline:

Lesson 1: Introduction to RoboHelp 9 HTML

  • Create an HTML Help Project
  • Explore the Pods
  • Explore the Toolbars
  • Load the Default Environment
  • Save an Environment
  • Retitle and Rename the Project
  • Edit a Topic
  • Edit a Topic Headline
  • Rename and Delete Topics
  • Create a TOC Book
  • Add, Delete and Rename TOC Books
  • Move TOC Books
  • Add Pages to TOC Books
  • Generate a Project

Lesson 2: Topic Formatting

  • Create a WebHelp Project
  • Import an HTML File
  • Import a Word Document
  • Import a FrameMaker Document
  • Rename Topic Titles
  • Create Project Folders
  • Auto-create a TOC
  • Apply a Style Sheet to a Topic
  • Apply Styles to Selected Paragraphs
  • Create a New Style Sheet
  • Create a Font Set
  • Use Inline Styles
  • Use Spell Check
  • Use the Multi-File Find and Replace Utility
  • Generate 508 and W3C Compliant WebHelp

Lesson 3: FlashHelp, Links, PDFs and Pop-Ups

  • Generate FlashHelp Output
  • Create a New Toolbar
  • Add Commands to a Toolbar
  • Insert Hyperlinks
  • Change Hyperlink Colors
  • Insert Bookmarks
  • Import a PDF Document
  • Insert Auto-Sizing Popups
  • Insert Custom-Sized Popups
  • Insert a Text-Only Popup
  • Use Link View
  • Resolve Broken Links

Lesson 4: Graphics and Multimedia

  • Add Graphics to a Help Project
  • Change Image Margins
  • Rename an Image
  • Add a Background Image
  • Add Hotspots to a Graphic
  • Add Sound to a Topic
  • Import and Format Topics
  • Insert an Adobe Captivate Demo
  • Create a Screen Capture using RoboScreenCapture

Lesson 5: Build Tags, Variables and Snippets

  • Create Conditional Build Tags
  • Define a Build Tag Expression
  • Create a New Table of Contents
  • Create a Variable
  • Insert and Edit a Variable
  • Create a Snippet
  • Add a Snippet to a Topic

Lesson 6: Tables and DHTML

  • Insert a Table
  • Format a Table
  • Add a Horizontal Line
  • Insert a Symbol
  • Add a Bulleted List
  • Format a Heading with a Fade in DHTML Effect
  • Apply Fly in DHTML Effects
  • Work with Positioned Text Boxes
  • Create a Trigger

Lesson 7: Indexes, Glossaries, Printed Docs and PDFs

  • Run the Smart Index Wizard
  • Remove and Add Index Entries
  • Add Keywords Via Topic Properties
  • Add Subkeywords to the Index
  • Create a See Also Keyword
  • Insert a Link Control
  • Add Glossary Terms
  • Generate a Report
  • Generate Printed Documentation
  • Generate a PDF

Lesson 8: Forms and Frames

  • Insert a Form
  • Add Form Radio Buttons
  • Add HTML Code to a Topic
  • Add a Form Check Box
  • Insert a Drop-Down Menu into a Form
  • Add a Multi-line Text Field to a Form
  • Add Form Submit and Reset Buttons
  • Name a Form and Set an Action
  • Import HTML Files Create a Frameset
  • Modify Frameset Attributes
  • Link Topics into Frameset Regions

Lesson 9: Skins and Templates

  • Use a Skin
  • Create a Custom Skin
  • Publish a Project
  • Create a Topic Template
  • Edit a Template

Lesson 10: Windows, Browsing and Help

  • Create a Custom Window
  • Create a Browse Sequence
  • Review a Web Application's Source Code
  • Publish a WebHelp Project
  • Review CSH Source Code
  • Create a Custom WebHelp Window
  • Create a Map File and Assign Map IDs


Our outlines are a guide to the content covered on a typical course. We may change or alter the course topics to meet the objectives of a particular course.