PHP courses
- PHP Beginner Course
- PHP Advanced Course
Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the PHP level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you
Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the PHP level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you
PHP Beginner Course
Course Description
PHP is a computer scripting language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages. The name PHP is a recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The PHP course teaches you the foundations of PHP programming, that will enable you to develop dynamic webpages.
Target Audience
The PHP course targets Programmers and Developers who would like to gain the knowledge in developing dynamic webpages.
HTML and basic programming skills.
PHP Beginner Course
- PHP and how it works
- Server-side technology structures
- Your first PHP page
- PHP structure
Variables and identifiers
- Working with Identifiers
- Variables, String, Number
- Math operators
- Using constants
- String functions
- Shorthand operators
- Using Expressions
- Using variables and variable scope
Conditional structures
- Control structures
- Logic and relational operators
- Using 'If', 'Else if' and 'Else'
- Switch operator
- Comparison operators
- Conditional operators
- Using the While loop
- Break statements
- Continue statements
- Using 'do...while', 'for', 'foreach'
- Creating your own functions
- Calling a function
- Using arguments
- Return statements and static statements
- Scope of variables
- Optional arguments
- Dynamic, built-in and data functions
- Array assignments
- Array functions
Form validation
- Validating mandatory information
- User friendly validation techniques
- Using the setcookie function
- Data functions
- String functions
Advanced forms
- Working with drop down menus
- Checkboxes and radio buttons
- Comparison functions
- Using Strcmp()
- Using Strcasesmp() HTTP
- HTTP basics
- Headers
- Environment variables
Utilising cookies
- When to use cookies
- Setting cookies
- Reading cookies
- Deleting cookies
Session variables
- Setting sessions
- Storing session variables
- Reading sessions
- Deleting sessions
Email function
- Creating auto-responder
- Using email to accept simple on-line orders
Built in functions
- Include()
- Require()
- Include_once()
- Require_once()
Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the PHP level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you
Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the PHP level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you
PHP Advanced Course
Course Description
This course covers advanced design techniques in PHP and the integration of PHP with AJAX using jQuery and SQL. The use of Object oriented programming (oop) and exceptions in PHP, will make your code more easily reusable.
Target Audience
PHP programmers, web masters, web developers.
Have attended our PHP course, or able to demonstrate PHP proficiency
PHP Advanced Course
Classes in PHP
- Using class an a namespace
- Variable declaration in PHP
- Access Modifiers
- Creating your first object
- Examining state in objects
- Constructors
- Using Inheritance
- Overriding
- Modifiers
- Catching Exceptions
- Built-in Exception Classes
- Custom Exceptions
Using Ajax and jQuery
- In this section we create a dynamic CRUD (CReate Update Delete on an SQL database) application using PHP classes, jQuery and AJAX.
Our outlines are a guide to the content covered on a typical course. We may change or alter the course topics to meet the objectives of a particular course.
Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the PHP level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you
Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the PHP level 3 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you