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Labour Relations and
Law course




  • Labour Relations and Law

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Labour Relations and Law level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Labour Relations and Law level 1 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Labour Relations and Law

Course Description

Labour Relations & Law Fundamentals course is to provide participants with an effective overview of labour law in South Africa. After completion of the workshop, the delegates will understand legal framework including the different legislation and codes of good practice.


Target Audience

This programme is designed for Supervisors and other individuals that have a keen interest in understanding the Labour Relations. This course is designed to give you an understanding of labour relations management, CCMA processes, and relevant labour legislation.

Labour Relations and Law

Download PDF

Part 1: The Fundamentals of labour law in South Africa

  • Topic A: Introduction, labour relations framework and relevant legislation (BCEA, LRA, EEA & Relevant Skills Development Legislation)
  • Topic B: Overview: CCMA, Bargaining Councils and the Labour Court
  • Topic C: Workplace discipline and dismissal & Dispute resolution
  • Topic D: Overview; Retrenchments
  • Topic E: Seminal Case law updates
  • Topic F: Sectoral determinations


Part 2: CCMA and Bargaining Council Rules

  • Topic A: Serving and filing of documents
  • Topic B: Conciliation of Disputes
  • Topic C: Con- Arb
  • Topic D: Arbitrations
  • Topic E: Applications
  • Topic F: Pre-Dismissal Arbitration
  • Topic G: Rules that apply to conciliations, arbitrations, and Con-Arbs
  • Topic H: General


Part 3: : Understanding Trade Unions and Effective Negotiations

  • Topic A: Shop Stewards
  • Topic B: The duties of shop stewards
  • Topic C: Trade union access to the workplace
  • Topic D: Agency & closed shop agreements
  • Topic E: Disclosure of information
  • Topic F: Common problems experienced with Unions
  • Topic G: Union Negotiations
  • Topic H: Strikes and Lock Outs
  • Topic I: Codes of Good Practice; HIV Aids and Employment, Dismissal based on operation requirements & Picketing,
  • Topic J: Handling of sexual Harassment in the workplace, Dismissal

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Labour Relations and Law level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Labour Relations and Law level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Labour Relations and Law level 2 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you

Sorry, we currently do not have any public courses scheduled for the Labour Relations and Law level 3 course. Please contact us to see if we can put one on the schedule for you